Saturday, January 3, 2009

je ne ce pais..

Je ne ce pais: translation.. "I don't know."

Basically I've been feeling just sort of cloudy in the head lately. I got a second job at Metro Park.. which is awesome. I have my work at body shop.. I have my best friend, and my health. There is just a lack.. a void .. something is wrong, and something is missing. I don't know what it is... I just hope it will all work itself out. I need to stop worrying about other people and focus on myself more. I spend too much time making sure everyone else is okay, that I forget that I'm not all of the time.

I've got some ideas brewing in my noggin about different places I want to take photographs.. starting with a really cool place at my house I haven't walked through in many years.. one of my green houses. The smallest green house has a concrete stairway that leads into the downstairs of my house.. it's kind of a creepy looking place and I can remember Zack and I playing with caterpillars on the stairs and just being kids. It's a place that has a significant meaning to me, and now that it's pretty much obliterated it has this raw quality to it that is very endearing.

I can't wait to get paid... so I can pay more of my car insurance bill so I don't have to get one this month for like $400... I'm thinking I should transfer my insurance to like Geico or Progressive or something, they're waaaaaay cheaper. What I thought when was going to turn out like a natural disaster when I got home from the trip.. which is that I had no money to pay for my car and I may have to get rid of it... it is all working itself out slowly, but surely. I just have to be really frugal with my money and how I spend it. All in all... everything will be alright.

Things happen in life that you really don't expect.. you just have to take everything for what it is and as it comes. Keep your head up, and just keep breathing.



s. pomp3o said...

Once you catch up on shit you'll be on your feet again. I get the same way...I feel crammed.

.Veronica. 'Speedwell'. said...

i need some like tension release haha. Like now. A night of no thinking, just doing. Me having a heck of a lot of fun and just forgetting that there is an entire world out there besides what is right in front of me.. you know?