Tuesday, June 30, 2009

to do:

I need to have more fun...

My last day of Metro Park is this monday... and I don't start Lucky until the 20th. I have decided that I need to spend time with more people who I have not seen in a long time.. reconnect with happy individuals and get myself out of my house.

Anyone who wants to do anything this coming week... call me, or text me. Maybe even a book of the faces message. Let's go see the world and what it has to offer.

Other than that.. a list of things to do:

Finish packing my moms stuff and bring it to my house.
Clean my closet.. finally put my clothes away that have just been sitting in bags and boxes since I moved in.
Clean my car.
Go take pictures of that cememtary I drive by EVERY day.. I see this one statue on top of a grave site every day and every time I see it I think "I need to photograph that.. it's beautiful."

Go visit Block Island... anyone wanna come with?

I can't think anymore.


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