Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the list

1. Do More things for ME.
A. Go to Block Island.
B. Take a very bubbly bubble bath.
C. Spend more time with the people I love.
D. Stop being so ADD all the time, and finish something I start.

2. Develop a time machine.
A. I'd really like to see those Dinosaurs.
B. It'd be like Jurassic Park!
C. Da da, da da, dah dah dah duh dah dah daaaah, dah dah dah dah, bup bup bup bup bahhh buuuh badda daaa dah dahhh! (*theme song to Jurassic Park*)

3. Clean My Car.
A. I know you all hate stepping on my shit.
B. I hate you all stepping on my shit.
C. It's really not that big of a deal... haha.

4. Be more selfish.
A. Stop letting everyone take from you.
B. Stop giving all of yourself to everyone.
C. Everything happens if you just let it be.

5. Just be. Relax, and enjoy.

I'll take this one..

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