Sunday, October 26, 2008

so.. we made it into California. Drove through San Diego on tuesday-- which was AWESOME! When we first arrived we ended up on Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Went directly to the Pacific ocean and stood on the cliffs and just were all in awe at how incredibly beatiful it really was. There was a farmers market, on Newport St., which only reminded me of home cause from the age of 4 till around when I was like 16 or something I worked with my mom at the farmers markets in Brookline and Newton selling flowers and soap. I talked to my brother Jon when I got there and he said to find a bar called Tonys-- and we did.. the boys needed a beer or two or three. So all four of us mosied into the place and played a little pool. It was a cool little bar. We stayed at a hotel that night, and Alex and I drove around a little by ourselves just looking at the city. It's beautiful at night too-- hills littered in lights and not really any sky scrapers aside from a couple we saw off in the distance.

The next day we drove through Laguna Beach, and the O.C. through Malibu and into L.A.-- we went to Venice Beach and walked around the strip-- sat for a while and watched some kids skateboarding. There was one kid who kept trying to do tricks on a flat rail and he couldn't so every like minute he was throwing his deck with impressive force. It was amusing... though I felt bad he couldn't land what he wanted to. We drove into Hollywood as well.. we would have seen where Eric used to live only it had since been torn down... wonder why? Cause it was a pretty crappy part of town. Haha. We went to some mall that night and ate at the California Pizza place( or something like that) .. The pizza was like 12 bucks and about the size of a Mr. P's personal pizza... it looked like it tasted like it too. Hah! That night we just kept driving till around midnight when we stopped at a little Inn and stayed the night.

the next day( friday) we drove more north up the 101 on the coast line along the cliffs and ended up camping over night at one of the many redwood parks. Then yesterday we drove up through San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge (!!! intense !!!) We didn't go into San fran-- bummer-- we drove until we hit Sacramento.. and now we're staying at the Governors Inn (hahahaha! Arnold!) Today we're going to dive around and look at a couple different apartments just to see what looks good.

..all in all... my feelings on California:

Dear California,
You're really quite beautiful. Your cloudless skies, and endlessly sunny 70 degree and up weather are really great. However-- I miss home-- I miss the clouds, and the scarf wearing weather.. and the rain. I miss the rain. Rain to me is a beautfiul is renewing and calming. It allows you to breathe, and it brings everything to life. It brings a quiet hum into my head that makes it easy to just be me. I will miss the rain most. Especially the summer rain. Summer rain is my favorite. It brings back good memories to my head just thinking about it. Summer rain is an experience better felt when you're in love.. I think. It slows everything down and makes everything feel like a movie scene. Every touch, every kiss.. every happy moment-- even just jumping in puddles is better. ^_^

But, California-- I made a choice and you were it. So despite my feelings of longing for that feeling.. I'll give you a fair chance to prove you're worth it. And if in the end you don't turn out to be what I need, or want.. then so be it. I can always.. go home.



Back home I always thought I wanted so much more, now I'm not too sure
Cause sometimes I miss knowing someone's there for me and feeling free
Free to stand beside the ocean in moonlight
And light myself a smoke beneath the dark Atlantic sky

Another sunny day in Californ-i-a
I'm sure back home they'd love to see it
But they don't know that what you love is ripped away
Before you get a chance, before you get a chance to feel it

until next time..

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